Серия Морские пираты
Игры, одним из персонажей которых является пират, корсар, флибустьер или просто морской разбойник.
Treasure Island
- Byron Preiss / Windham Classics / 1985
Pirates of the Barbary Coast
- Starsoft / Keypunch Software / 1987
The Ancient Art of War at Sea
- Evryware / BrAderbund Software / 1987
Sid Meier's Pirates!
- MicroProse / MicroProse / 1987
Plundered Hearts
- Infocom / Infocom / 1987
Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon
- Cinemaware / Cinemaware / 1988
The Kristal
- Fissionchip Software / Cinemaware / 1989
- Opera Soft / Opera Soft / 1989
Dangerous Dave in the Deserted Pirate's Hideout
- Softdisk Publishing / 1990
Uncharted Waters
- KOEI / KOEI / 1990
The Secret of Monkey Island
- Lucasfilm Games / 1990
Skull & Crossbones
- Tengen / Domark Software / 1991
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
- Lucasfilm Games / 1991
- Shadow Software / Ocean / 1992
Alone in the Dark 2
- Infogrames / Infogrames / 1993
Peter Pan
- Novotrade / Electronic Arts / 1993
Redhook's Revenge
- ImagiSoft / 1993
Pirates! Gold
- MicroProse / MicroProse / 1993
Muppet Treasure Island
- Activision / Activision / 1996
Морские легенды
- Мир-Диалог / New Media Generation / 1996
- Monolith Productions / Monolith Productions / 1997
Treasure Island
- Crossroads / L.K. Avalon / 1997
Curse of Monkey Island, The
- LucasArts / LucasArts / 1997
- Psygnosis / Psygnosis / 1997
- Divide By Zero / SSI / 1997
Treasure Hunter
- Cryo Interactive / Philips Interactive / 1997
Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard, The
- Bethesda Softworks / Bethesda Softworks / 1998
RedJack: The Revenge of the Brethren
- CyberFlix / THQ / 1998
Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas
- Hothouse Creations / Eidos / 1999
Corsairs: Conquest at Sea
- Microids / Microids / 1999
Search for the Golden Dolphin
- Cinegram Media / Digital Treasures / 1999
Корсары: Проклятье дальних морей
- Акелла / 1С / 2000
El Tesoro de Isla Alcachofa
- Alcachofa Soft / Alcachofa Soft / 2000
Missing on Lost Island
- Mayhem Studios / Bohemia Interactive / 2000
Escape from Monkey Island
- LucasArts / LucasArts / 2000
Moop and Dreadly in the Treasure on Bing Bong Island
- Plaid Banana / Hulabee / 2001
Рыцари морей
- Акелла / 1С / 2002
Tropico 2: Pirate Cove
- Frog City Software / Gathering of Developers / 2003
Port Royale: Gold, Power and Pirates
- ASCARON / Tri Synergy / 2003
Пираты Карибского моря
- Акелла / 1C / 2003
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
- Small Rockets / Atari / 2003
Pirate Hunter
Tortuga Bay
- Brainfactor / IncaGold / 2004
1503 A.D.: Treasures, Monsters and Pirates
- Max Design / Electronic Arts / 2004
Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates
- Three Rings Design / gamigo AG / 2004
Pirates of Treasure Island
- RL Vision Software / Arcade Lab / 2004
AGON: Episode 3 - Pirates of Madagascar
- Private Moon Studios / 2004
Port Royale 2
- Ascaron Entertainment / Tri Synergy / 2004
Sid Meier's Pirates!: Live the Life
- Firaxis Games / Atari / 2004
Корсары III
- Акелла / 1С / 2005
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow
- 7 Studios / Bethesda Softworks / 2006
Destination: Treasure Island
- Kheops Studio / Nobilis France / 2006
Pirates: Legend of the Black Buccaneer
- Widescreen Games / 10tacle studios / 2007
Tortuga: Two Treasures
1701 A.D.
- Related Designs / Sunflowers / 2007
The Guild 2: Pirates of the European Seas
- 4HEAD Studios / JoWooD / 2007
Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
- Eurocom / Disney Interactive / 2007
- Mind Control Software / 2007
1701 A.D.: The Curse of the Dragon
- Related Designs / Sunflowers / 2007
Корсары: Возвращение Легенды
- Seaward.Ru / Акелла / 2007
Корсары: Город потерянных кораблей
- Seaward.Ru / Акелла / 2007
Pirates of the Burning Sea
- Flying Lab Software / Sony Online / 2008
King's Bounty: Легенда о рыцаре
- Katauri Interactive / 1С / 2008
- Piranha Bytes / Deep Silver / 2009
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