007: License to Kill
- Quixel / Domark / 1989
007: Nightfire
- Gearbox Software / Electronic Arts / 2002
11th Hour, The
- Trilobyte / Virgin Interactive / 1995
18 Wheels of Steel: Across America
- SCS Software, Sunstorm Interactive / ValuSoft / 2003
18 Wheels of Steel: Convoy
- SCS Software / ValuSoft / 2005
18 Wheels of Steel: Pedal to the Metal
- SCS Software / ValuSoft / 2004
1830: Railroads and Robber Barons
- Simtex / Avalon Hill / 1995
- Max Design / Max Design / 1992
1942: The Pacific Air War
- MicroProse Software / MicroProse Software / 1994
2002 FIFA World Cup
- Electronic Arts Canada / Electronic Arts / 2002
2400 A.D.
- Origin Systems / Origin Systems / 1988
25 to Life
- Ritual Entertainment, Avalanche Software / Eidos Interactive / 2006
3 Skulls of the Toltecs
- Revistronic / Time Warner Interactive / 1996
3D Ball Blaster
- Dungeon Entertainment / HomeBrew Software / 1992
4D Sports Boxing
- Distinctive Software / Mindscape / 1991
4x4 Evo 2
- Terminal Reality / Gathering of Developers / 2001
- SpeedStrip Interactive / 2000
7 Colors
- Gamos / Infrogames / 1991
7th Guest, The
- Trilobyte / Virgin Interactive / 1993
7th Legion
- Vision Software / MicroProse Software / 1997
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