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Enter the Matrix - Shiny Entertainment / Atari / 2003
Evolva - Computer Artworks / Interplay Entertainment / 2000
F.E.A.R. - Monolith Productions / Sierra Entertainment / 2005
F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point - TimeGate Studios / Vivendi Universal Games / 2006
F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate - TimeGate Studios / Sierra Entertainment / 2007
Far Cry - Crytek / Ubisoft Entertainment / 2004
Far Cry 2 - Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft Entertainment / 2008
FBI Hostage Rescue - Idol FX / Activision / 2004
Fifth Element, The - Kalisto / Ubi Soft / 1998
Final DOOM - id Software / GT Interactive Software / 1996
FireStarter - GSC Game World / Руссобит-М / 2003
Forsaken - Probe Entertainment / Acclaim / 1998
Freedom Fighters - IO Interactive / Electronic Arts / 2003
From Dusk Till Dawn - Gamesquad / Cryo Interactive / 2001
Full Spectrum Warrior - Pandemic Studios / THQ / 2004
Gears of War - Epic Games / Microsoft Game Studios / 2007
Giants: Citizen Kabuto - Planet Moon Studios / Interplay Entertainment / 2000
Global Operations - Barking Dog Studios / Electronic Arts / 2002
Gun - Neversoft Entertainment / Activision / 2005
Gun Metal - Rage Games / ZOO Digital Publishing / 2003
Gunman Chronicles - Rewolf Entertainment / Sierra On-Line / 2000
Half-Life - Valve Software / Sierra / 1998
Half-Life 2 - Valve Corporation / Sierra Entertainment / 2004
Half-Life 2: Episode One - Valve Corporation / Valve Corporation / 2006
Half-Life 2: Episode Two - Valve Corporation / Valve Corporation / 2007
Half-Life: Blue Shift - Gearbox Software / Sierra / 2001
Half-Life: Counter-Strike - Valve Corporation / Sierra On-Line / 2000
Half-Life: Opposing Force - Gearbox Software / Sierra / 1999
Halo: Combat Evolved - Bungie Studios / Microsoft / 2003
Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K. 2 - Ritual Entertainment / Gathering of Developers / 2000

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Алексей 'Trog' Тихоненко