Серия Silent Hunter
Серия симуляторов, объединенных темой управления подводной лодкой в боевых условиях.
Silent Hunter
- Aeon Electronic Entertainment / Strategic Simulations / 1996
Silent Hunter: Commander's Edition
- Aeon Electronic Entertainment / SSI / 1997
Silent Hunter II
- Ultimation / Ubi Soft Entertainment / 2001
Destroyer Command
- Ultimation / Ubi Soft Entertainment / 2002
Silent Hunter III
- Ubisoft Bucharest / Ubisoft Entertainment / 2005
Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific
- Ubisoft Bucharest / Ubisoft Entertainment / 2007
Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific - U-Boat Missions
- Ubisoft Entertainment / Ubisoft Entertainment / 2008
Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic
- Ubisoft Entertainment / Ubisoft Entertainment / 2010
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