Серия Quake
- id Software / id Software / 1996
Aftershock for Quake
- Head Games / GT Interactive / 1996
Dark Hour for Quake
- Microforum / Microforum / 1996
- WizardWorks Software / WizardWorks Software / 1996
Q2 for Quake
- Crystal Vision / 1996
Quake Mission Pack No. 1: Scourge of Armagon
- Hipnotic Software / id Software / 1997
Quake Mission Pack No. 2: Dissolution of Eternity
- Rogue Entertainment / id Software / 1997
Shrak for Quake
- Quantum Axcess / Quantum Axcess / 1997
Quake II
- id Software / Activision / 1997
Quake II Mission Pack: The Reckoning
- Xatrix Entertainment / Activision / 1998
Quake II Mission Pack: Ground Zero
- Rogue Entertainment / Activision / 1998
Juggernaut: The New Story For Quake II
- Canopy Games / Head Games / 1998
Quake II Netpack I: Extremities
- id Software / 1998
Zaero for Quake II
- Team Evolve / Macmillan / 1998
Malice for Quake
- Ratloop / Quantum Axcess / 1998
Quake III: Arena
- id Software / Activision / 1999
Quake III: Team Arena
- id Software / Activision / 2000
Quake 4
- id Software / Activision / 2005
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
- id Software / Activision / 2007
Quake Live
- id Software / id Software / 2014
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