Woodruff and The Schnibble of Azimuth
- Coktel Vision / Sierra On-Line / 1995
World at War: Operation Crusader
- Atomic Games / Avalon Hill / 1994
World at War: Stalingrad
- Atomic Games / Avalon Hill / 1994
World Circuit
- MicroProse / MicroProse / 1992
World Cup 98
- Electronic Arts Canada / Electronic Arts / 1998
World of Goo
- 2D Boy / 2D Boy / 2008
World of WarCraft
- Blizzard Entertainment / Blizzard Entertainment / 2004
World Racing 2
- Synetic / Playlogic International / 2005
World Tour Golf
- Evan & Nicky Robinson, Paul Reiche III / Electronic Arts / 1985
World War II: Sniper - Call to Victory
- Jarhead Games / Groove Games / 2004
- Team17 Software / Ocean Software / 1995
Worms 2
- Team17 Software / MicroProse / 1998
Worms 3D
- Team17 Software / SEGA / 2003
Worms 4: Mayhem
- Team17 Software / Codemasters / 2005
Worms Armageddon
- Team17 Software / MicroProse / 1999
Worms Blast
- Team17 Software / Ubi Soft Entertainment / 2002
Worms World Party
- Team17 Software / Titus Software / 2001
Worms: Reinforcements
- Team17 Software / Ocean Software / 1995
Wrath of Earth
- Addix Software Development / SoftKey Multimedia / 1995
- Anchor, Inc. / THQ / 2002
WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game
- Sculptured Software / Acclaim / 1995
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