3D Shooter - Action - Adult - Adventure - Arcade - Edutainment - IF - Puzzle - Racing - Roleplay - Simulation - Sport - Strategy - Wargames - Русские - Компании - Утилиты
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Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie - Ubisoft Pictures, Ubisoft Bucharest / Ubisoft Entertainment / 2005
Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh - Sierra On-Line / Sierra On-Line / 1996
Pharaoh - Impressions Games / Sierra On-Line / 1999
Pharaoh's Tomb - Micro F/X Software / Apogee Software / 1990
Pinball Construction Set - BudgeCo / Electronic Arts / 1985
Pinball Dreams - Digital Illusions / 21st Century Entertainment / 1993
Pinball Dreams 2 - Spidersoft / 21st Century Entertainment / 1994
Pinball Fantasies - Digital Illusions / 21st Century Entertainment / 1994
Pipe Dream - The Assembly Line / Lucasfilm Games / 1989
Pirates! Gold - MPS Labs / MicroProse / 1993
Pit-Fighter - Atari Games / Domark Software / 1991
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns - Activision / Activision / 1984
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure - Activision / Activision / 1995
Pitstop 2 - Synergistic Software / Epyx / 1984
Pizza Tycoon - Cybernetic Corporation / MicroProse / 1994
Planescape: Torment - Black Isle Studios / Interplay / 1999
Planet's Edge: The Point of no Return - New World Computing / New World Computing / 1991
Planetfall - Infocom / Infocom / 1983
Plants vs. Zombies - PopCap Games / PopCap Games / 2009
Playboy - IBM / IBM / 1994
Playboy: The Mansion - Cyberlore Studios / Arush Entertainment / 2005
Police Quest 2: The Vengeance - Sierra On-Line / Sierra On-Line / 1988
Police Quest 3: The Kindred - Sierra On-Line / Sierra On-Line / 1991
Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel - Sierra On-Line / Sierra On-Line / 1987
Pompei: The Legend of Vesuvius - Arxel Tribe / Cryo Interactive Entertainment / 2000
Pontifex 2 - Chronic Logic / Chronic Logic / 2002
Pool of Radiance - SSI / SSI / 1988
Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor - Stormfront Studios / Ubi Soft Entertainment / 2001
Populous - Bullfrog Productions / Electronic Arts / 1989
Populous: The Beginning - Bullfrog Productions / Electronic Arts / 1998

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