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Игры на движке Genesis3D

Игры, использующие открытый графический движок Genesis3D от компании Eclipse Entertainment.

Extreme Boards & Blades - Silverfish Studios / Head Games Publishing / 1999
G-sector - Freeform Interactive / Freeform Interactive / 1999
Extreme Paintbrawl 2 - Hoplite Research / Head Games Publishing / 1999
Catechumen - N'Lightning Software / N'Lightning Software / 2000
Ominous Horizons: A Paladin's Calling - N'Lightning Software / N'Lightning Software / 2001
Ethnic Cleansing - Resistance Records / Resistance Records / 2002
Neocron - / CDV Software Entertainment / 2002
Dragon's Lair 3D: Return to the Lair - Dragonstone Software / Ubi Soft Entertainment / 2002

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Алексей 'Trog' Тихоненко